Choose the Right Eyeglass Lenses: Different Types

Choose the Right Eyeglass Lenses: Different Types

We often refer to spectacles as glasses, but if you’ve owned a pair of modern glasses, you’ve almost certainly noticed that they aren’t actually made of glass.

And, if you’ve always thought that glasses are made of glass, well…

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How to Look Good in Glasses —The 9 Best Looking Celebrities with Eyeglasses

Thanks to the popularity of the many actresses and actors with glasses, today eyeglasses have become more common than ever.

It’s so easy to find celebrities who wear glasses in commercials, fashion magazines, TV shows and even the big screen…

The many famous people who wear glasses and modern advances in technology have made it glasses more just a vision necessity, but a way to display our unique personalities.

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Protect Your Eyes with Blue Light Filter Technology

Like it or not, we spend a lot of time in front of computer screens, and I mean a lot…

Extended computer use strains and tires our eyes because their screens use LED lighting which has significantly more blue light than natural light or traditional light bulbs.

Knowing the potential harm from blue light, we are proud to be the first office in Santa Cruz to provide blue light protection on all of our lenses.

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